Archives 20 June 2024

UK Music Survey Reveals Major Gains in Gender and Ethnic Diversity for 2024

The representation of women and ethnic diversity within the music industry has improved according to the UK Music Diversity Survey 2024.

Women are now landing themselves more senior positions; an 8.3% rise has been noted this year. Overall, 53.8% of participants in the survey identified themselves as women. This proves a wider inclusion in various roles across the music industry. The increase is also notable among younger Black, Asian, and ethnically diverse individuals.

Chair of UK Music’s Diversity Taskforce, Ammo Talwar MBE, commented on the new data:

“We have seen steady progress on increasing diversity across the music industry since we launched this survey in 2016, with further significant improvements year on year. That’s down to some of the brilliant initiatives in the sector that are driving change and those organisations that have led the way with integrity and transparency. However, there is still loads more to do – and we need the next Government to be fast and fearless when it comes to working with us to tear down the remaining barriers.”

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Top Tips For Working In The Music Industry
Top Tips For Working In The Music Industry


Having genuine passion for what you do and always remembering the reasons that inspired you to start is key. Why? Because this motivation will guide you forward. Also, it will help you if you come across any industry challenges or setbacks.


Networking is without a doubt one of the most crucial points when aiming to have a long-term career in the music business. Moreover, building relationships can lead to fresh opportunities and collabs. Therefore, make an effort to engage with others in the industry and cultivate relationships with the right people.

Team Up With Others

Partnering with people who share your vision can really boost your growth. By connecting with suitable professionals and collaborating, you can take leverage their skills, especially in areas where you might have less experience. As you would expect, this way of working often leads to creating much more impact.

Educate Yourself

Due to technological advancements and new preferences by the consumer, the music industry is always changing. Therefore, you must strive to remain relevant and competitive in your field. How can you do this? Keep your skills and knowledge up to date through ongoing study.